1. PhD thesis: Myocardial fibrosis in congenital heart diseases: Estimation with biomarkers and imaging markers. (Μυοκαρδιακή ίνωση σε ενήλικες ασθενείς με συγγενή καρδιοπάθεια: Εκτίμηση με βιοχημικούς και απεικονιστικούς δείκτες). Outpatient clinic of Adult Congenital Heart Diseases and Pulmonary Hypertension, Cardiology Clinic, University Hospital AHEPA, Greece.

2. Study coordinator in polycentric study «A systems BIOlogy Study to TAilored Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure (BIOSTAT-CHF), Registry study of the correlation of biological characteristics and treatment of patients with Chronic Heart Failure, funded by the FP 7 - Coordinating investigator project leader Prof. AA Voors, University Medical Centre Groningen, Department of Cardiology, The Netherlands.

3. Sub- investigator in a polycentric Epidemiological Research entitled: «Registry of Atrial Fibrillation to Investigate New Guidelines» (RAFTING), carried out by the Hellenic Cardiology Society (HCS).

4. Sub- investigator in Women’s International Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Registry, WinTAVI Echo Sub-analysis Protocol, Hammersmith Hospital-London, UK.


1. The Interplay between Myocardial Fibrosis, Strain Imaging and Collagen Biomarkers in Adults with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. Karali K, Makedou K, Kallifatidis A, Didagelos M, Giannakoulas G, Davos CH, Karamitsos TD, Ziakas A, Karvounis H, Hadjimiltiades S. 1st Department of Cardiology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Nov.

2. Stress echocardiography: differences between practices in Greece. A survey of the Echocardiology Working Group of the Hellenic Society of Cardiology. Keramida K, Maniotis C, Makavos G, Papadopoulos CH, Stefanidis A, Georgilas AT, Beldekos DJ, Karali K, Kouris N; working group of Echocardiology of the Hellenic Society of Cardiology. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2021 May-Jun.

3. The Pathophysiological Basis of Renal Nerve Ablation for the Treatment of Hypertension,  Ziakas A, Gossios T, Doumas M, Karali K, Megarisiotou A, Stiliadis I, 1stDepartment of Cardiology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece,  22ndDepartment of Internal Medicine, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013

4. Nutrition, body composition and physical activity have differential impact on the determination of lipidemic blood profiles between young females with different blood cholesterol concentrations.
Methenitis S, Papadopoulou SK, Panayiotou G, Kaprara A, Hatzitolios A, Skepastianos P, Karali K, Feidantsis K.Obes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Jan 12:S18.

5. Prinzmetal angina and acute pulmonary edema as a result of ergotism, J.Karantoumanis, K.Oikonomou, E.Karapatsoudi, A.Ioannidis, K.Karali, M.Papitsas, P.Makridis, Cardiology Clinic of General Hospital Edessa, Greece, Hellenic Cardiology Journal, 2010, 51:312-316.

6. Nephrotixicity of contrast agents, Book chapter, Oikonomou F, K.Karali, Ziakas A., Interventional Cardiology, 1sth Edition, Stefanadis,  Hellenic Cardiology Society.

7. Focused echocardiographic study: The view of the European Society of Cardiovascular Imaging, Review article, Karali K, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, Issue 3, May-June 2015.

8. Low T3 Syndrome in patients suffering from heart failure, K.Karapatsoudi, K.Karali, C.Gkolias, C.Mellidis, A.Ioannidis, C.Makridis, K.Oikonomou, P.Makridis, Edessa General Hospital, Greece, Heart Failure 2009, Nice, 30.05.2009-2.06.2009, European Society Of Cardiology, France.

9. Sex-related differences in the prevalence of anemia and renal dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure. E.Karapatsoudi, K.Koskinas, K.Oikonomou, K.Karali, A.Ioannidis, Z.Alekou, P.Makridis: Cardiology Department,General Hospital of Edessa, Edessa, Greece, AHEPA University Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, ESC Congress 2009, Barcelona, Spain.

10. The correlation of pulse pressure with the maximum exercise time during a treadmill exercise test, K.Oikonomou, C.Mellidis, A.Ioannidis, K.Karali, C.Makridis, K.Karapatsoudi, P.Makridis, Edessa General Hospital, Edessa, Greece, 19th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan, 12-16.06.2009, Italy.

11. A comparative study of age and risk factors between men and women emerging acute myocardial infarction: Retrospective study of the past, Koskinas K, E. Karapatsoudi, K.Oikonomou, Ch. Mellidis, A.. Ioannidis, K.Karali, BC Makridis, Cardiology General Hospital Edessa, Greece, 8th Joint Cyprus-Hellenic Congress of Cardiology, 21.03.2009, Nicosia Greek Society of Cardiology, Cyprus.

12. Age, sex and risk factors differences in patients with myocardic infraction: rostrospective comparative study of the last decade, Ioannidis.A, Karapatsoudi.E, Koskinas.K, Oionomou.K, Karantumanis.I, Karali.K, Golias.C, Feragkoulidis.D, Makridis.P. Edessa, Greece. 8th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease, From prevention to Intervention, October 11-14, 2009, Prague.

13. Rosuvastatin: a safe and effective lipid-lowering drug, Clinic of Internal Medicine G.N.N., Serres, Milidis.Th, Saatsoglou O Milidou.I, Mourtzinos.Ch, Koumparoudis.I, Karali. K, Anastasiadis.E., Annual Conference  Atherosclerosis with International Participation,15 to17 March 2007 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

14. Case report presentation on “Kartagener Syndrome” K Karali, at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Association for Lung Disease and Occupational Diseases of the Chest, 24.09.2007, Pulmonary Clinic, Serres General  Hospital, Greece.

15. Case report presentation on ''CAP: Lethal Respiratory Infection by Pneumococcus, K. Karali, at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Lung Disease and Occupational Diseases of the Chest, Pulmonary Clinic, Serres General  Hospital, Unit of Respiratory Infections, Pulmonary Clinic AUTH, G.N.TH.''G. Papanikolaou'' Thes/niki, Greece.

16. Hospitalisation of patients with various types of cancer in clinics of pathology in regional hospitals, Sfelniotis N., K. Karali, M. Karachi Ropotos A. J. Mallias. General Hospital of Serres. Presented in the 13th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Athens, 8-13.10.2007, Greece.

17. Hypoglycemic episodes after somatostatin intake, Sfelniotis N., K. Karali, M. Karachi, E. Papastephanou, I. Dimou, M. Balian, A. Rizos. General Hospital of Serres. Presented in the 13th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Athens, 8-13.10.2007, Greece.

18. Tumor in hypopharynx impersonating anorexia (anorexia nervosa), Sfelniotis N. M. Karachi, K. Karali, D. Eleftheriadis, E. Skemperi, D.Tanos. Serres General Hospital, Presented in the 13th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Athens, 8-13.10.2007, Greece.

19. Informing patients about the risk of premature cardiovascular disease based on the lipid profile (Coronary risk profile), demonstrates the effect of their compliance to both the pharmaceutical and the dietary attitude, K. Karali, 4th Annual Conference of Atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis Society of Northern Greece 21.02.2008, Greece.

20. Achieving the therapeutic target (low LDL) with medication to patients with dislipidaimia, K. Karali, 4th Annual Conference of Atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis Society of Northern Greece 21.02.2008, Greece.

21. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients in the outpatient clinic of Serres General Hospital, K. Karali, T. Milidis J. Milidou J. Koumparoudis E. Anastassiades, A.Rizos, Presented in the 4th Conference  for Atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis Society of Northern Greece 21.02.2008, Greece.

22. Lemfangeioleiomyomatosis, Charalambides, D. Bompotas, P. Stogiou M. Balos, K. Karali, M. Karachi, A. Antoniadis, Pulmonary Clinic of Hospital of Serres, Ward of  Respiratory Infections in the Pulmonary Clinic (AUTH) of G.N.TH.''G. Papanikolaou'', 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the lung disease and Occupational Diseases of Chest, 2.06.2008, Greece.

23. Pulmonary edema in patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy with trastuzumab-Paclitaxel, K.Karali, E. Karapatsoudi, A. Ioannidis, T. Oiconomou, H. Mellidis, S.Mpischiniotis, P. Makridis. Cardiology Clinic, Edessa General Hospital, Cardiology Department of Theageneio hospital, 22nd Military Medical Conference, 9.11.2008, Thessaloniki, Greece.

24. Hernia recorded echocardiography to mimic left atrial mass: Case report, K. Karali, E. Karapatsoudi, K. Koskinas, C. Mellidis, A. Ioannidis, K. Oikonomou, P. Makridis. Cardiology Clinic of Edessa Hospital, 7th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and Vascular -Thorax and Heart. 28-30.11.2008, Thessaloniki, Greece.

25. Spontaneous hemothorax caused by drugs in a patient with heart failure and atrial fibrillation, Mellidis C. E. Karapatsoudi, T. Oiconomou, A. Ioannidis, K. Karali, A. Economou, P. Makridis. Cardiology Clinic and Surgery Clinic of Edessa General Hospital. 10th Hellenic Congress on Heart Failure 6-8.02.2009, Athens, Greece.

26. Pulse pressure as a prognostic factor in patients with reduced ejection fraction, K.Oikonomoy, C.Mellidis, A.Ionnidis, K.Karali, C.Makridis, E.Karapatsoudi, P.Makridis, Cardiology Department, Edessa General Hospital, 10th Hellenic Conference on Heart Failure 6-8.02.2009, Athens, Greece.

27. Low T3 syndrome in patients with heart failure, E. Karapatsoudi, K. Karali, H. Mellidis, A. Ioannidis, D. Frangoulidis, K. Oikonomou, P. Makrides. Cardiology, Edessa General Hospital, 10th Ηellenic Conference on Heart Failure 6-8.02.2009, Athens, Greece.

28. Introduction to successful thrombolysis with tenecteplase (Metalyse) in massive pulmonary embolism in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving chemotherapy with capesitabine (Xeloda), A. Ioannidis, T. Karapatsoudi, K. Okonomou, C. Golias, K. Karali, D. Frangoulidis, P. Makrides. Cardiology Clinic, Edessa General Hospital, 8th Νorthern Cardiology Conference 21-23.05.2009, Thessaloniki, Greece.

29. Differences in the prevalence of anemia and renal dysfunction among male and female patients with chronic heart failure’’, E. Karapatsoudi, K. Koskinas, K.Oiconomou, A. Ioannidis, K. Karali, H. Golias, D. Frangoulidis, P. Makridis. Cardiology Clinic, Edessa General Hospital, 30th National Congress of Cardiology 29-31.10.2009, Athens, Greece.

30. The levels of NT-proBNP and CRP as an indicator marker of systolic left ventricular function after NSTEMI, K. Karapatsoudi, A. Ioannidis, T. Economou, J. Karantoumanis, K. Karali, M. Papitsas, K. Koskinas D. Frangoulidis, P. Makrides. Cardiology Clinic Edessa General Hospital, 11th Hellenic Conference on Heart Failure 65-7.02.2010, Athens, Greece.

31. Patients with or without severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction and resistance to aspirin, K. Oiconomou, A. Ioannidis, T. Karapatsoudi J. Karantoumanis,, K. Karali, M. Ntalapascha, M. Papitsas, P. Makridis. Cardiology Clinic, Edessa General Hospital, 11th Hellenic Conference on Heart Failure 65-7.02.2010, Athens.

32. Hemodynamic, echocardiographic and clinical differences between patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and venous hypertension. Experience of Outpatient Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic of the Hospital AHEPA. Mouratoglou S.A, Giannakoulas G, Parharidou D, Pappa Z, Kamperidis V, Kristo D, Karali K, Oikonomou K, Karvounis Ch, Stiliadis Α΄ Cardiology Clinic AHEPA, 10o Northern Cardiology Conference 19-21 May 2011 Thessaloniki, Greece.

33. Demographic characteristics and risk factors for coronary artery disease in patients hospitalized with heart failure, Oikonomou K, Mouratoglou S.A, Kristo D, Parharidou D, Pappa Z, Karali K, Kamperidis V, Giannakoulas G, Karvounis Ch, Stiliadis Α΄ Cardiology Clinic AHEPA, 10o Northern Cardiology Conference 19-21 May 2011 Thessaloniki, Greece.

34. New trends  in diagnosis and treatment of endocarditis, Karali K, Α΄ Cardiology Clinic AHEPA, 13th International Congress New trends in Cardiology, 18-20 April 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece

35. Brugada Syndrome Treatment with implantable defibrillator: long-term follow-up, Paraskeuaidis S, Kolletas V, Sarafidou A, Megarisiotou A, Karali K, Stiliadis I, Α΄ Cardiology Clinic AHEPA, 34o National Congress of Cardiology, 10-12 October 2013, Athens, Greece.

36. Interventions in Structure Heart Disease: Interesting cases presented by Trainees and Young Cardiologists I, Karali K, Cardiology Department, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK, 4th Conference for Structural Heart Diseases and pre-conference Seminar for Trainees and Young Cardiologists, May 14-16 2015, Athens, Greece.

37. Mitral Valve diseases and Tricuspid regurgitation, Karali K,  Work groups of Hellenic Society of Cardiology , 21-23 February 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Ομιλίες - Video

Πανελλήνια Σεμινάρια Ομάδων Εργασίας 2013
4th Conference of Transcatheter Therapies for structural Heart Diseases & Pre-Conference Seminar for Trainees and Young Cardiologists 2015
Πανελλήνια Σεμινάρια Ομάδων Εργασίας 2019